Below are the companies from neighboring towns.
Supermarkets. Sale of tools
Self-service store. In a wide range of meat and meat products: beef, semi-cooked chicken and smoked sausage.
Phone: +7 (38532) 4-73-28
Address: Novoaltaisk Street. October 5
Consumer goods and food.
Phone: +7 (38532) 2-67-31
Address: Novoaltaisk, m / eighth district, 28A
Supermarket. Hours: Mon-Sun
Phone: +7 (38456) 3-23-90
Address: Leninsk-Kuznetsk, Kirova Avenue, 94
Shopping Centre. Hours: Mon-Sun
Phone: +7 (38453) 6-53-87
Address: Anzhero-Sudzhensk, S. Perovskaya 1a
A modern shopping complex.
Phone: +7 (38464) 2-61-78
Address: Kiselevsk Street. Gagarin, 26
Supermarkets Berdsk. All Berdsk supermarkets are listed in business directory If you are a representative of a supermarket in Berdsk or Berdsk region and you did not find here information about your company please register here and we will post your business information in our directory.